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Weekly Song

Hoje é dia delas. Elas que geram a vida, elas que fazem da tripa coração pelos seus filhos, elas que nos conquistam, elas que fazem o mundo rodar!

Elas que merecem muito mais espaço nesse mundo de homens, pois elas são poderosas, elas são nossas mães, irmãs, esposas, amigas de trabalho, professoras.

Parabéns mulheres, em especial as nossas SmartGirls e nossas alunas!!!

Fiquem com essa música da super Shania Twain, um singela homenagem a você mulher!!!


(Oh, na, na, na)

She hosts a TV show

She rides the rodeo

She plays the bass in a band

She's an astronaut

A valet at the parking lot

A farmer working the land

She is a champion

She gets the gold

She's a ballerina

The star of the show

She's-not-just a pretty face

She's-got-everything it takes

She has a fashion line

A journalist for "Time"

Coaches a football team

She's a geologist

A romance novelist

She's a mother of three

She is a soldier

She is a wife

She is a surgeon

She'll save your life

She's-not-just a pretty face

She's-got-everything it takes

She's-mother-of the human race

She's-not-just a pretty face

Oh, oh, yeah

Oh, na, na, na, na...

She is your waitress

She is your judge

She is your teacher

She is every woman in the world

Oh, la, la, la

She flies an airplane

She drives a subway train

At night she pumps gasoline

She's on the council

She's on the board

She's a politician

She praises the lord

She's-not-just a pretty face

She's-got-everything it takes

She's-mother-of the human race

She's-not-just a pretty face

No, she's (she's) not (not) just a pretty face

She's (she's) got (got) everything it takes

She's not just a pretty face

She's got everything it takes

She's not just a pretty face

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