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Weekly Song

Uma das bandas mais queridas dos anos 80, que muita gente não sabe que é da Noruega.

Pois é, mais um sotaque diferente para aprendermos.

E com esse idiom que é o título da música, “Hunting High And low”, que quer dizer “Procurando por toda parte” e não “caçando para cima e para baixo” como muitos pensam!

Vamos ficar com esse balada nostálgica do a-ha!


Here I am

And within the reach of my hands

She's sound asleep and she's sweeter now

Than the wildest dream could have seen her

And I watch her slipping away

But I know

I'll be hunting high and low


There's no end to the lengths

I'll go to hunting high and low


There's no end to lengths I'll go

To find her again

Upon this my dreams are depending

Through the dark

I sense the pounding of her heart next to mine

She's the sweetest love I could find

So I guess

I'll be hunting high and low


There's no end to the lengths

I'll go to high and low


Do you know what it means to love you?

I'm hunting high and low

And now she's telling me she's got to go away

I'll always be hunting high and low

Hungry for you (and now she's telling me)

Watch me tearing myself to pieces

Hunting high and low


There's no end to the lengths I'll go to

Oh, for you, I'll be hunting high and low

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